Korosten MDF manufacture


Annual information of the issuer


General information

1.1. Full name of the issuer Private Joint-Stock Company "Korosten MDF Manufacture"
1.2. Legal form Joint-Stock Company
1.3. Location of the issuer 01034, Kiew, Yaroslaviv Val str., 38
1.4. EDPNOU identification code of the issuer 37079170
1.5. City code and telefon number 044-220-21-21, 04142-60100
1.6. Series and number of the issuer's state registration certificate А0110741020000036590
1.7. Date of state registration 12.05.2010
1.8. Internet site http://kmm.ua/


2019 KMDF FS UKR signed with auditor report.pdf

2020 KMDF FS UKR signed with auditor report.pdf



#fc3424 #5835a1 #1975f2 #2fc86b #fevec9 #134f10441 #100313115750